Battery management system. An electronic system that manages a rechargeable battery by monitoring its state, reporting data, and controlling temperature

  • Chip-free batteries

    Certain types of battery, including lithium-ion, require a battery management system for operation and maintenance. The BMS is housed on a chip within the battery. UBC Duophasic advanced modular batteries do not require any chips, or any maintenance.

  • CO2

    Carbon Dioxide. CO2 is released into the atmosphere by the exhaust systems of fossil-fuelled vehicles. This in turn warms our planet, giving rise to the term greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Duophasic

    Duophasic is a patented technology, developed by The Ultimate Battery Company. Duophasic technology uses cutting edge design, allied to innovative materials engineering, for both active materials and electrodes. This revolutionary technology has enabled the development of battery systems which offer major performance uplift. In comparison to traditional battery technologies, UBC Duophasic technology enables more efficient…

  • Duophasic COR

    The UBC product name for our first generation, advanced modular batteries, for the transport and defence industries. Duophasic COR batteries reduce weight or increase energy density compared to equivalent SLI batteries. Duophasic COR is pronounced (dyoo-oh-feyz-ik kor), so COR is as in core.

  • Duophasic STOR

    The UBC product name for our first generation, advanced modular batteries, developed for energy storage applications. Duophasic STOR modules offer light weight, energy dense storage for renewable energy applications to capture and store energy that would otherwise be wasted. Duophasic STOR is pronounced (dyoo-oh-feyz-ik stor), so STOR is as in store.

  • Energy density

    Energy density is the amount of energy that can be stored in a given system or space. The higher the energy density of a battery, the greater the amount of energy it has stored.

  • Energy storage

    Energy storage is the capture of energy generated at one time for use at a later time. Energy storage devices are used to reduce the imbalances between energy demand and energy production.


    EUROBAT is the leading association for European automotive and industrial battery manufacturers. It covers all battery technologies.

  • EV

    Electric vehicle, i.e. a vehicle having an electric motor that is fully or partially powered by batteries.

  • Gt

    Gt is the abbreviation for gigatonne. 1 Gt equals 1,000,000,000 tonnes and is often used to measure carbon dioxide emissions.

  • ICE

    Internal combustion engine.

  • Keiretsu

    Keiretsu is a business network model. The network comprises a grouping of independent companies and organisations that have formed close business relationships.

  • Lead-acid

    Lead-acid refers to the core elements of a lead-acid battery, a type of rechargeable battery first invented in 1859. A lead-acid battery comprises two electrodes submerged in an electrolyte of sulphuric acid. The positive electrode is made of metallic lead oxide, and the negative electrode attached to a grid of metallic lead.

  • Lead-carbon

    Lead-carbon batteries use a combination of lead and carbon to allow faster charging and prolonged battery life. Ultimate Battery Company has developed patented advanced modular battery technology, UBC Duophasic, which has revolutionised this concept with a significant breakthrough in lightweight, energy dense battery power.

  • Lithium batteries

    In a transport context, a lithium-ion battery is a type of rechargeable battery which uses the reversible reduction of lithium ions to store energy. Environmental concerns exist over lithium batteries, as the lithium has to be mined and the production process uses large amounts of water. Lithium batteries contain toxic chemicals, making recycling very difficult…

  • Motive

    In the context of transportation, motive refers to the creation of motion. Motive power is produced by the onboard powertrain of the vehicle.

  • Net Zero

    Net Zero carbon emissions. The simplest definition of net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach net zero when the amount we add is no more than the amount taken away.

  • Peak power demand

    Peak power demand refers to the times of day when electricity consumption is at its highest.

  • Renewable energy

    Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources, that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. Typical examples are solar and wind power.

  • Silent watch

    A silent watch mission is a military operation where a vehicle is brought close to a target to gather intelligence. The personnel will require battery power, but without running the engine. UBC Duophasic advanced modular battery technology allows unique battery configurations which double the energy density within a given unit size, extending reach and run-time.…

  • SLI

    SLI stands for starting, lighting, ignition. This is typically a 12-volt battery that powers the vehicle’s on-board electronic systems. These need to be run all the time. SLI batteries provide an immediate power boost.

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