UBC Duophasic COR

Revolutionary technology for automotive SLI batteries

Illustration of UBC Power Core

lighter | powerful | sustainable

Up to 43% lighter

than conventional vehicle batteries

Illustration of lighter Ultimate Battery Company technology

lighter | powerful | sustainable

Up to twice the energy density

compared with traditional batteries

Illustration of lighter Ultimate Battery Company technology

lighter | powerful | sustainable

Global savings potential of 15 million tonnes of CO2 per year

equivalent to removing 10 million cars from the planet's roads

Illustration of sustainable technology from The Ultimate Battery Company

lighter | powerful | sustainable

Illustration of sustainable technology from The Ultimate Battery Company

We are technology pioneers, revolutionising battery and energy storage design to create sustainable solutions. Ultimate Battery Company technologies create batteries that are lighter, greener, and more powerful than traditional products.

The UBC mission is to develop products which significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Our lightweight, energy-dense batteries have applications in multiple sectors, including automotive, defence and energy storage.


Our first generation, lightweight modular batteries offer significant range, weight and CO2 benefits over traditional products.

Transport applications, include passenger and commercial vehicles, bus, rail and aerospace.


UBC advanced modular batteries are lightweight, energy dense and safe.

Our technologies provide military vehicles with greater range, lighter weight and enhanced power.

A wide operating temperature range makes them suitable for the most demanding environments.

Energy storage

UBC provides affordable, compact, lightweight solutions that store otherwise wasted energy safely and efficiently, ready for later use.

The adaptable, modular design format enables bespoke solutions to suit every energy storage application.

Driving Net Zero

We care about our planet and the people that live on it. Now, and for our future generations.

Our breakthrough product technologies significantly reduce carbon emissions for automotive, military and energy storage applications. Replacing a traditional 12 Volt battery with UBC Duophasic COR saves up to 15kg (33lbs) of CO2 per vehicle per year.

UBC battery products are designed for a sustainable economy. We use locally sourced materials with a high recycled content. Up to 95% of material is recovered for re-use at end of life.

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing process is highly energy efficient, utilising innovative techniques to ensure quality and minimise waste. We make use of renewable energy generation across our operations to minimise our carbon footprint.

Together we will accelerate the drive to Net Zero

We believe in creating life chances. From initiatives to help disadvantaged individuals into work, to supporting ex-service personnel.

Being a responsible and caring organisation sits at the very heart of The Ultimate Battery Company core values. Which is why we created our social responsibility division, UBC BrightSpark.

We are proudly developing a diverse workplace, providing opportunities for all.

Energy for Everybody

At UBC we don’t believe that innovative energy technologies should be the sole preserve of the richest nations on Earth. We believe in democratising energy. A major pillar of UBC BrightSpark is to undertake initiatives to make that goal a reality.

We have pledged a proportion of our production to help communities in emerging economies. And we are bringing together a range of like-minded partners to further extend our reach.

Tangible steps to ensure energy is for everybody

Latest News

We are hiring at our South Yorkshire plant

We are currently hiring for a range of production and administration roles based at our South Yorkshire manufacturing plant

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New production director joins UBC team

Dave Sweeney has joined the UBC team in the important role of Production Director, as we scale up our manufacturing

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Green energy innovations powering regional investment

UBC secures regional investment to locate its production operations in South Yorkshire, UK

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